Tech in Farming

Through smart farming we are trying to commercialize farming with technology and market cultivated products under e-commerce platform. A team of IT students under the leadership of Dr. RajiSukumar A are involved with the project 'Smart Farming'. TECHTERN concentrates on how academic research can accelerate the technological development towards the society. farmer unit can market cultivated products through a user friendly e-commerce platform. TECHTERN introduce innovative software products for farmer community with a social motivation. try to explore the potential of our applications and submit requests to the concerned authority to raise your valuable suggestions and give us a good opening by including this work in your upcoming projects to the farmer community.

Safe food model & Intelligent sales

Agro ontology & Chatbot

Smart Farming 2020

To provide quality and cost-effective innovative solutions for agriculture. Our aim is to create endless possibilities in the agriculture sector with the help of artificial intelligence to help farmers to improve the quality of their production and to find the market.

Many of the modern farming methods that have been successfully implemented internationally are still unfamiliar to our farmers. We need to study and test their potential. The growth of the agriculture sector is slowing down due to the inadequacy of the agencies that need to conduct such studies and make the farmers aware of its possibilities. It is at this juncture that TECHTERN is launching 'Smart Farming 2020' under the aegis of Business Incubation Center, Kannur University and All India Radio Kannur. 'Smart Farming 2020' aims to improve the agriculture sector by linking IT with every process, from the selection of land suitable for cultivation to finding the crop market.

Smart Farming 2020 Services

TECHTERN Smart Farming 2020 will commence its work with the guidance of experts from the early stages of agriculture.

  • Under the guidance of experts, they find suitable areas for each cultivation
  • Inappropriate farm lands are made qualified for cultivation using modern methods.
  • Farming practices such as mulching, drip irrigation and fogging are done and trained. Drip irrigation system using timer, Camera surveillance systems to understand the growth of agricultural crops are provided to the farmers for better productivity
  • We will conduct training for preparing organic fertilizers and organic pesticides.
  • Expert classes and consultations will be conducted for farmers.
  • E-Commerce Platform (Website, Android- IOS Mobile App, etc.) is made available to farmers to ensure their market after harves

We help you to

Build Visual extravaganza at your business. Let us what your dream on user experiance, we help you to build it.

  • Have control of what is being displayed
  • Send relevant Information at the right place and at the right time
  • Increase digital presence in-store
  • Open up a new and quick way of Advertising within a short span of time