Our Company

Techtern is a platform providing products and services in multiple verticals. Cloud Digital Signages and Sales intelligance systems are our flagship products. There are much more opertunities in the market that needs to explored and the power has to go down to every business no matter that is small or Big. India's most power lies in the unorganised sector and we aim to power them to a much higher potential.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide best quality and cost effective solutions that can be fit in the small and medium businesses. We are in the journey to realise an AI powered market that can create endless number of opertunities for customers and businesses.

Our Mission

The company has set goals to keep pace with technological advancements. Our team is working regourously to acheive many challanging tasks. We mainly takes up AI, NLP and Vision technologies to power up unorganised sector of India to be more successful.