Scoreboard Display

We will start the implementation by finding out the suitable locations and place Video Wall with mounting frames and android box . These android box is communicating with our cloud database. Then wewill telecast scores , results , images , advertisemnts etc from the online content management mobile/web application .

  • People can see live score update.
  • Engage large number people at the same time using its big display screen.
  • It can be used to publish each event results with its high
  • Can post live photos , videos , scroll text.
  • By publishing advertisements through signage , we can generate an income also

Centralised Controlling

Where ever you can control the scoreboard display , from use of android phone, iphone and thhrough web.

When updating points through control panel it will reflect on screen.

We help you to

Build Visual extravaganza at your business. Let us what your dream on user experiance, we help you to build it.

  • Have control of what is being displayed
  • Send relevant Information at the right place and at the right time
  • Increase digital presence in-store
  • Open up a new and quick way of Advertising within a short span of time